Whether it's a round beer belly or a jiggly spare tyre – you either love it or you wish you could get rid of it.
The problem is that belly fat isn't just the 'inch you can pinch' (known as subcutaneous fat), it is also what is in your abdomen and surrounding your internal organs – this fat is known as visceral fat. If you have too much fat you can grab that probably means you have too much internal visceral fat too, and that is much more dangerous.
Visceral fat is thought to be more metabolically active than subcutaneous fat. It produces hormones and chemicals that can cause harm and affect how our organs function. This puts us at greater risk of diabetes or heart disease. Anything we can do to reduce this belly fat can only do us good.
So is there an answer – and is it diet or exercise?
We are bombarded online by a variety of techniques which claim to be able to target problem areas such as a belly using quick fixes. The question is can we really target fat within our bodies doing something known as 'spot reducing' by exercise or diet?
We set out to find out, with the help of Fredrik Karpe, Professor of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Oxford, and his team as well as Professor Dylan Thompson, Director of Research at the University of Bath, along with his team.
The Belly Fat experiment
We gathered a group of 35 volunteers at Oxford to take part in our experiment over 6 weeks. They all had unhealthy waistlines and excess belly fat which they were hoping to lose.
Our groups all had to come and have a DXA scan which told us the amount of fat which was in their bodies as well as lean tissue, blood pressure, circulating fat (triglycerides) in the blood, fasting blood sugar as well as weight measures.
We then assigned our 35 volunteers into 4 separate groups:
Group 1: Diet Group – controlling their food portions, under the guidance of Frederik's team
Group 2: Activity group – increasing their physical activity, under the guidance of Dylan's team
Group 3: Milk drinkers – adding nearly 1 litre of milk to their diet each day (a popular internet 'quick fix')
Group 4: The Abdominal Crunches Group – doing a regime of sit-ups (one of the most popular 'spot reduction' techniques put forward for belly fat)
The results
Our Diet group lost the most amount of weight – on average they lost 3.7kg of weight each over the 6 weeks – a total of 35kg between them. The total body fat that was lost it was about 5%. But interestingly if we look at the results of visceral fat there was in fact a reduction of about 14% each! This group also reduced their cholesterol and blood pressure, and measured a 5cm reduction in their waistlines!
The diet group showed 3 times greater fat loss in from the visceral fat compared with the rest of body fat. This clearly shows that visceral fat is preferentially lost with a short term effective dietary restriction.
⅔ of the lost weight in the Diet group was fat mass but ⅓ was lean mass (both statistically significant). This means that as well as losing fat, the diet group lost muscle, which isn't such good news especially because as we age we lose muscle mass – it can make us prone to more falls later in life. So combining dieting with some resistance exercise to retain muscle would be ideal (see Can I get stronger without going to the gym? for some ways to do this easily at home).
The Activity group who increased their overall activity lost less weight – a modest amount of around 1kg per person – but there were no changes in the dangerous visceral fat in their bellies.
However, their systolic blood pressure fell by 18 mmHg or around 12%, and the unhealthy fat in their blood (triglycerides) fell by a huge 25% (-0.36 mmol/l). Their waistline shrank by a modest 2cm. The change in waist was similar to the change in weight - close to being statistically significant.
There was a small, but interesting and statistically significant effect on lean (muscle) mass in the Milk group: Despite an extra 400kCal of milk per day, there was no change in overall body weight, but there was tendency towards increasing lean mass (statistically significant). Low fat milk contains quite a lot of protein, so the extra protein may have helped them put on more muscle. If the diet group had added milk to their diets, perhaps this would have helped them avoid losing muscle.
Protein also fills you up. Despite taking in about 15% extra calories in the milk, they didn't put on weight, which could mean that they were eating less other food.
The abdominal crunches group didn't see any improvements in blood pressure or triglycerides. However, their waistlines did shrink by just over 2cm (2.25 cm) on average. Because there was no change in fat around the waist we know that this was almost certainly due to just an improvement in muscle tone. They were essentially 'holding their fat in' with muscle! Not a big health benefit – but it might help them look better!
The diet group were the clear winners in our experiment, but our results also highlight the importance of managing what you eat to lose weight as well as exercising to avoid muscle loss and maintain overall health and fitness. Thinking about how active you are is important and remember it isn't just about going to the gym, you can increase your activity just by thinking about what you already do and doing more of it – take the stairs instead of the lift and opt to walk when possible. You could also try adding milk to your diet to stave off muscle loss! It certainly won't make you put on more weight or affect your blood fats – at least by our results.
When it comes to getting a flatter tummy just working your belly muscles won't really do anything for you other than give you extra muscle to hold in that flab!
The fad diets and exercise regimes out there just aren't needed when it really can be just as simple as getting more activity in to our daily lives and controlling the portion sizes of our food – end of story (and no need to click on all those internet links now – we've done it for you, and put their regimes to the test!)
What I Tell My Patients Who Want To Lose Belly Fat: A Hormone Expert Explains
Last updated on August 27, 2020
When you gain excess weight, particularly at the waist, your body's biochemistry spirals downward. You create more inflammation and oxidative stress, and promote even more fat storage. The result is a vicious cycle of hormonal misfires, symptoms, and disease that will drag you down unless you flip the switch.
If you want to burn belly fat, there are 10 key strategies to implement, and most involve food. These are the same strategies that I applied to my own body to cut visceral fat.
Keep in mind that not all calories are the same. Calories from some foods make you store belly fat—like excess carbohydrates—while other foods make you store muscle and burn fat. And while calories matter, hormones matter more. In particular, reducing your belly fat involves the reset of the belly fat hormones: insulin, leptin, cortisol, growth hormone and adiponectin.
1. Add purslane to your salad.
Most people have no idea what purslane is. I didn't either until I discovered my problem with eating excess fructose and how it contributes to fatty liver, among other problems.
So I decided to up my omega-3s, particularly since an omega-3 fatty acid known as docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, seems to reverse the harmful changes to belly fat produced by fructose. In fact, DHA doesn't just change one or two genes, it pushes an entire block of genes back to normal.
Purslane offers the richest source of omega-3s and melatonin that you can obtain from a green vegetable—mostly alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which can be converted into DHA. One chef calls it a miniature jade plant. I call it a super food, a weed worth eating, because its nutrient density strengthens synapses, or connections in your brain, and enhances memory and learning.
I grow it in my garden, then chop it in salads or add it to soups at the very end. You can grow it too, or buy it at your local farmer's market, next to the sorrel and nettles.
2. Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
Before my segmented body fat composition test, I was a chronic cardio girl. I would go running for an hour, four times per week. I was stressed and felt victim to time compression: there was no time for other less efficient activities like Pilates or free weights. Then I realized my running was raising my cortisol levels and adding to my belly fat. In fact, my cortisol was three times the normal level in the morning, before my run—so I was like a perpetual high-cortisol machine.
After a bit of research, I had an epiphany. I needed to burst train, or repeatedly exercise at a high intensity for 30 to 75 seconds, separated by two to three minutes of recovery. Burst trainers have far more fat loss compared with endurance trainers.
3. Skip the booze.
Unfortunately, liquid calories from soda, juice, and yes, alcohol, lay down belly fat. Do you want alcohol or abs?
4. Eat sufficient clean protein.
Undereating protein and overeating carbs can lead to weight gain. Make sure your protein is anti-inflammatory, i.e., lentils and other legumes, if you tolerate them; cold-water, low-mercury, wild-caught seafood like salmon, cod, and steelhead trout; and pastured and wild meats, if you eat them, like elk, bison, and grass-fed beef.
5. Remove the most common food intolerances: gluten and dairy.
This isn't just a fad—research suggests that going gluten-free can reduce fatness, inflammation, and insulin resistance. We know that food intolerances tend to raise stress hormones, such as cortisol, trigger inflammation, and overactivate the immune system.
6. Limit fructose and glucose (but for different reasons).
Fructose is the most metabolically hurtful sugar. It goes straight to your liver, where it makes fat and triggers insulin and leptin resistance. Fructose doesn't tell your brain that you're satisfied, so you still feel hungry and keep eating. The net result is inflammation, a stressed-out liver, and more visceral fat.
The main culprit for most Americans is excessive amounts of high fructose corn syrup—the Department of Agriculture estimates that Americans consumed an average of about 27 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup in 2014—but I found that I probably have a problem with even higher-fructose fruit such as bananas, dates, and dried apricots.
The main takeaway is that in contrast to glucose, fructose doesn't trigger insulin secretion or leptin production. These two hormones dampen appetite by telling your body you're full and to put the fork down. Limit your fruits to lemons, limes, avocados, and olives. Dial down the fructose to lose belly fat.
7. Wrangle cortisol.
If you perceive that life is stressful, you're more likely to store fat, gain weight, and break down muscle. I know you know this, but it's worth repeating because I certainly need a daily reminder!
What works best is a daily practice of 30 minutes to reset stress levels in the body. Stress raises your pesky hormone cortisol, which breaks down muscle and stores fat. Listen to a guided meditation by Tara Brach on the free app Insight Timer, get a massage, have an orgasm, or walk your dog around the block. Figure out what works for you and do it regularly.
8. Get your belly rest.
You need 7 to 8.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep to burn visceral fat. Sleep keeps cortisol and insulin in check.
9. Raise adiponectin.
Adiponectin is part of a secret conversation between your fat cells and your brain. When levels are low, adiponectin can make you store fat. The more adiponectin you have in your blood, the more flab you burn.
To raise adiponectin, eat pistachios and pumpkin seeds, get 35 to 50 grams of fiber per day, and consider taking a magnesium supplement.
10. Try a mini fast.
Intermittent fasting works as well as caloric restriction (no, thank you!) for reducing visceral fat. The goal is to create a fasting window that burns fat. Unfortunately, women need to work a little harder than men for the same benefit: for women, aim for an 18-hour window; for guys, 16 hours.
Top 25 Branding and Brand Management PowerPoint Templates to Create a Unique Brand Identity!
Brand – includes developing a promise, making the promise and maintaining that promise.
Your brand is a promise to your customers. It is the sum total of the experience and knowledge they get from your product. Your brand is a living identity that helps your business flourish.
Creating a brand is not enough. As your business grows, succeeds and changes, your brand must be capable of adapting to these changes. This is why, we have created the below-shown branding and brand management PowerPoint Slides so that you develop a powerful strategy to make your brand relevant in the market.
These professionally designed PowerPoint slides will let you influence your target market and build relations with customers and partners.
So, to assist you with the basic tools of brand management, we equip you with these predeveloped branding and brand management PowerPoint templates to manage and maintain your brand.
Brand Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides-1
Get this Brand Management PowerPoint Slide
The above-shown PowerPoint slide is a perfect tool to represent your brand, plan and its strategy. This is a complete deck including 63 slides in it which can be used by the marketing team to explain the details of brand management. Showcase the techniques to increase the perceived value of a product. Develop a long term plan for the successful development of the brand. One can incorporate these slides to improve the performance of your brand.
Brand Management PPT Summary-2
Incorporate this Readymade Brand Management PowerPoint Slide
This brand management PowerPoint slide will help you maintain the brand value of your product. To convert prospects into your consumers, you must increase your brand value and this can be easily done using this professionally designed PowerPoint slide. Demonstrate the four major factors or elements that will attract customers towards your brand and will generate high revenue.
Strategic Brand Development Marketing And Management Process PowerPoint Presentation With Slides-3
Download this Brand Development PowerPoint Slide Design
This predeveloped 58 slides strategic brand development PowerPoint deck will help you in strengthening your brand. This is a complete deck that has all the essential slides beginning from what is brand, brand equity, branding approach, target market, market size, market trends, competitive analysis. This amazingly designed PowerPoint template will let you make plans for maintaining the quality and consumer trust of a brand. The entire process of brand development can also be showcased using this readymade PowerPoint template.
Brand Management Strategy PowerPoint Slide-4
Download this Brand Management Strategy PowerPoint Slide
This readily available brand management strategy PowerPoint template has been designed by our professionals to showcase the strategies framed for brand management. Devise various tactics and strategies including the marketing program investment, customer mindset, market performance and shareholders value. This template will enable you to throw light on the importance of framing a perfect strategy for product promotion.
Branding PowerPoint Presentation Slides-5
Download this Branding PowerPoint Slide Show
Highlight various aspects of branding easily using this readily available branding PowerPoint slide. This is a complete deck consisting of 75 slides and templates that can be used to showcase your business focus, need for the new product, strategic brand positioning, brand development, brand positioning, brand communication, etc. If you are planning to deliver a presentation on company branding, brand awareness, and other branding topics, then this template will serve all such purposes.
Brand Emotion PowerPoint Shapes-6
Download this Professionally Curated Brand Emotion PowerPoint Layout
This brand emotion PowerPoint template can be used to build a relationship between a consumer and a product. This amazingly designed PowerPoint slide can be used to create content that appeals to the consumer emotional needs and feelings. These days people make decisions based on their emotional feelings. Evoke their emotions taking the advantage of this brand emotion PowerPoint Layout.
Branding Vision The Touch PPT Icons Graphics-7
Get this Branding Vision Touch PowerPoint Template
Showcase the ideas behind your brand and your vision for the future. Highlighting the brand vision using this amazingly designed PowerPoint slide will support your business strategy and will differentiate your brand from competitors. Present the 4 major components of your brand vision using this predesigned brand vision PowerPoint slide.
Brand Communication PowerPoint Presentation Slides-8
Incorporate this Brand Communication PowerPoint Slide
Brand communication is an important part and tool of brand management. This predeveloped PowerPoint template will help you inform and persuade the stakeholders about the brand and its fundamentals. This PPT slide will also help you elucidate your brand communication strategy. Add your company's name in the text place holder and remind the consumers of your brand using this predeveloped PowerPoint slide show.
One of the most important parts of the marketing plan is brand positioning. Devise strategies to create a memorable impression of your brand in the minds of your customers and present the developed strategies taking the assistance of this brand positioning PowerPoint slide. This is a complete deck consisting of 36 slides including the positioning strategy, brand positioning framework, brand worksheet, segmentation and targeting, and other slides related to brand positioning that can be used to make a distinct place of your brand in the minds of the customers.
Company Branding PowerPoint Presentation Slides-10
Get this Company Branding PowerPoint Slide Show
Create a positive perception of your company's brand and showcase the unique identity of your product with this company branding PowerPoint template. Our designers at SlideTeam have curated this set of layouts like positioning strategy, brand positioning, brand positioning framework and model. Building a brand helps you create trust with your target consumers and this can be done using this creative PowerPoint slide design. Create an impressive presentation that can streamline your branding process by incorporating the above-shown template.
Strategic Brand Development Plan PowerPoint Presentation Slides-11
Download this Strategic Brand Development PowerPoint Template
Increase your company's growth by boosting up your brand using this strategic brand development plan PowerPoint slide design. This is a complete deck consisting of 80 slides that will assist you in creating a strategic plan for developing your brand. The slide can be incorporated to present the entire experience your prospects will have with your company. This will help you define what you stand for, what promises you make, and the personality you convey. It can be used for brand licensing, brand awareness, brand promotion, and brand selling.
Brand Development Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides-12
Download this Brand Development Process PowerPoint Slide
Talk about the steps involved in the branding process using this brand development process PowerPoint template. The above shown PowerPoint template will help in building brand equity in the consumer's mind. This template will help you in creating brand awareness amongst the people you want. This is a complete deck consisting of 80 slides which will assist you in showing everything related to your brand including what a brand is, branding approach, understanding the target market, different segmentation, success factors, etc.
Brand Essence Pyramid PowerPoint Guide-13
Get this Brand Essence Pyramid PowerPoint Guide
Highlight the intangible attributes of your brand with this brand essence pyramid PowerPoint template. The above-shown slide showcases a pyramid that focuses on the different characteristics of a brand. Guide your staff members how they can take the assistance of this readymade PPT template to showcase the rational and the emotional appeal for popularizing their brand. This slide can be used by the managers, marketers and sales personnel for creating a long-lasting impression in the minds of the customers.
Brand Essence Circle Sample Of PPT-14
Incorporate this Brand Essence Circle PPT Slide
Incorporate the slide to highlight the core characteristics of your brand. The PowerPoint template will help you make a distinctive position in the competitive market. Depict various approaches that can help in maximizing the brand's value. Consultants, marketers and managers can take the assistance of this readymade PowerPoint template to make the audience aware about the basic elements of brand essence and brand positioning. Help people in identifying the unique components of the brand using this template.
Brand Essence Chart Example Of PPT-15
Download this Brand Essence Chart PowerPoint Slide
Talk about the benefits, values and experience that customers will get by making use of your brand. Showcase how the attributes of your brand are different from that of your competitors. Discuss the components of brand positioning matrix and develop a strong relationship between the brand promise and brand experience. Employ this PPT layout to educate the colleagues about the essential methodologies of product positioning.
Brand Essence Model PowerPoint Graphics-16
Download this Brand Essence Model PowerPoint Template
Incorporate this brand essence wheel PowerPoint template to showcase the rational and the emotional benefits that one can avail from your product or brand. Emphasize on the core brand strategy using this predeveloped PowerPoint slide show. Depict the core characteristics that defines your brand and separates your brand from that of your competitors. Present five unique features of your product or brand using this creatively designed brand essence PowerPoint slide design.
Brand Elements PowerPoint Slide-17
Get this Brand Elements PowerPoint Slide Show
Every brand has various elements that include its brand name, logo, slogan, tagline, colour pattern, characters, etc. You can use this predeveloped template to showcase all such elements of your brand. This will help you in creating a strong brand identity and create brand awareness. This template can be customized as per the requirements of your brand.
Brand Promotion PowerPoint Presentation Slides-18
Download this Brand Promotion PowerPoint Template
The above-shown template is a complete deck of 26 slides to assist you in increasing the brand awareness, creating interest, and for generating sales and revenue from your brand. The template consists of various internal and external promotion channels that can be used to increase the reach of your brand. Make marketing professionals aware of promotion channels such as earned media, owned media, paid media, etc.
Business Plan For Branding PowerPoint Presentation Slides-19
Get this Business Plan for Branding PowerPoint Slide Show
An effective business plan will help you position your brand with ease. Communicate your brand mission statement, brand identity, brand vision, and many more things to the stakeholders. Create an accurate budget plan for branding and for promoting your brand using this PowerPoint slide show. Conduct a comparative analysis of your brand and its attributes with your competitors brand with a predeveloped side in this deck. This complete deck consists of 75 slides and includes almost all the topics that will assist you in formulating plans for your brand.
Effective Brand Communication PowerPoint Templates-20
Download this Effective Brand Communication PowerPoint Template
This engaging content ready PowerPoint template makes consumer aware of your offer. The slide can be used for showcasing the importance and objectives of brand communication. The value of the brand increases or decreases by its communication and this slide is a perfect tool for communicating the effectiveness of your brand.
Business Branding PowerPoint Presentation Slides-21
Incorporate this Business Branding PowerPoint Slide
This beautifully designed PowerPoint slide design will help you create a long term plan for the development of successful product. We have curated a complete deck consisting of 32 slides for your brand promotion. Acquaint your team members with the promotional tools and channels that will help you reach your customers. Create a report on the overall cost of customer acquisition using this predesigned PowerPoint slide design.
Brand Evolution Presentation Outline-22
Incorporate this Brand Evolution PowerPoint Slide Show
This brand evolution PowerPoint presentation slide consists of 6 stages including existing brand, extension brand promotion, product launch, product development, etc. This PowerPoint layout is a perfect tool to give proper descriptions of your product and will help you in boosting your marketing strategies, brand equity and the quality of the product.
Brand Value PPT Infographics-23
Get this Brand Value PPT Graphic
This PPT slide is a perfect tool to depict the value of your brand that is perceived by the customers. You can also showcase various factors that affects your brand value like advertising message, market research, market share, competitiveness. Talk about how much people are aware of your brand and are associated with the product.
Brand Quality PowerPoint Show-24
Click here to Get this Brand Quality PowerPoint Template
Determine the quality of your brand and compute the difference between the perceived and actual brand quality. This slide design can be used by the top managers, decision-makers, and quality managers who are responsible for maintaining the quality standards of your brand. Specify some reasons why the consumers should buy your brand. Mention your product price and showcase how your brand is different from others.
Brand Awareness Presentation Visuals-25
Click here to Download this Brand Awareness PowerPoint Slide
Help customers recall your brand taking the assistance of this readymade brand awareness PowerPoint slide show. Present the five stages of brand awareness and showcase to which extent the consumers are aware of your brand. This pyramid is a framework to answer all the questions related to the brand.
So, choose from the above-shown branding and brand management PowerPoint templates and create a unique identity of your brand.
Take your photo project to new heights with any of these free photography website templates. Create an online portfolio that will boost your masterpieces to level eleven.
Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer, building a website is beneficial for both. And today, you can save yourself a whole bunch of time, as these web designs rock many amazing features. Couple your extraordinary works of art with a stunning template and you have a winning combination that will move mountains.
With the broad selection of different solutions, you will easily find the one that you will want to use out of the box. But you shouldn't feel any limitations whatsoever. For instance, if you would like to introduce your creative touch to the default design, you can do that, too.
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Moreover, this collection starts with a few WordPress themes that unlock complete creative freedom to everyone. You do not really need to know how to code and do any of the challenging tasks. Whereas with an HTML template, programming knowledge is absolutely necessary.
If you are ready to expand your potential and reach your goals, make sure your website, full of stunning photographs, is all set and live. Help yourself with the template (or theme) of choice and enjoy the result.
Premium Photography WordPress Themes
Divi (Premium)
Have you finally decided that the time has come to expand your photography project to a worldwide scale? If that is the case, you better consider using Divi and make a name for yourself. With Divi, you can now craft a wonderful, modern and eye-catchy website which will help you showcase your works and talent in the best possible way. Of course, with a page, you can also push your services and give back to the community with a blog section. Like that would not be enough, you can also sell your works online in a digital form or even printed on canvas. With Divi, all is possible.
Without the need to spend too much time working on your website, you can now have a striking online space sorted out in a snap. This does not interrupt your main work of producing photography that blows everyone away.
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Jevelin (Premium)
One more complete web design solution for any photographer out there, amateur or pro, is Jevelin. There is a dope ready-made sample at your disposal which you can utilize out of the box. Indeed, many find using Jevelin as is a perfect fit for their needs. Still, with the use of WPBakery drag and drop page builder, you can step things up and modify the appearance of the tool to your needs precisely. Knowing this, you are well aware of the fact that Jevelin will never ask you for coding. Even if creating your first page, you can still do it with Jevelin.
Jevelin comes with different portfolios, an option to set sticky or static header, social media integration, tons of predefined shortcodes, smooth scrolling and back to top button to name a few. Create an online portfolio, rich with your photographies, and inspire everyone visiting your web space.
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Gleam (Premium)
As the name suggests, Gleam is a beautiful, stunning and awe-inspiring photography website template with a broad collection of features and layouts. What's cool about Gleam is the fact that you do not need to start from scratch anymore. You do not really need to do much work if you fancy Gleam out of the box. In this case, just add your contents and details and you are all set up. On the other hand, employ the convenient Elementor page builder and modify Gleam with a process of visual coding aka dragging and dropping.
In the resourceful Gleam package, you get to pick from eight marvelous demos. There are also all sorts of album and gallery page layouts, blog section, Instagram footer and working contact form and more. Make Gleam yours and enjoy the positive impact your outcome will have on all your fans and first-time visitors.
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Free Photography Website Templates
If on the hunt to find a killer and impactful free photography website template, Photographer – hence the name – is one of them. Instead of doing the work, brainstorming the design part of your online portfolio, make things happen with the impressive Photographer now. The tool is just a click away, never asking you to open up your wallet. Even if not costing a dime, you can expect only great things to happen with Photographer. The design of this nifty canvas is jaw-dropping and eye-catchy.
It sports engaging carousels that will trigger everyone's curiosity. Along with the home page, Photographer also offers other inner layouts, so you save yourself even more time. There is even a blog section and a working contact form with Google Maps. Whether a hobby or professional photographer, you now just found yourself a tool that will easily set you apart.
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When dark layout is what you are searching for, Cassi is a free photography website template that you should not miss. It is creative, bold and striking, perfect for showcasing your masterpieces to the world. The tool rocks an awesome split-screen slider with text and call-to-actions, which will easily grab everyone's attention and encourage them to take action.
Other treats of the tool are menu overlay, social media icons, gallery page, blog and a full-blown contact page with form. Also, Cassi ensures full flexibility with device and browser compatibility. Your page will operate without a hitch, always delivering a top-notch performance. Even if you take Cassi and use it exactly as it comes, you can expect a remarkable end product. In addition to that, you can also personalize the tool and make it yours.
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Creating your own photography website happens quicker than you think with Rettro. Without the need to start from the ground up, you can now focus on the finishing touches, tailoring the default settings to your liking. For this, you do need coding knowledge since Rettro is an HTML template, after all.
Rettro has many neat features and functions that will get you started in no time at all. It even rocks a cool slider with thumbnails, which will guide your visitors through some of your best works. Some other features are a sticky header, back to top button and a special feed ready for your Instagram posts.
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Qi Theme
Qi Theme is one of the best free photography WordPress themes that any amateur and pro can use. It even comes with multiple ready-to-use demos out-of-the-box, saving you a ton of time.
But you can easily personalize Qi Theme with additional customization, thanks to Elementor builder compatibility. (You don't need skills to work with Qi Theme successfully.)
Portfolio layouts, special internal pages, contact forms and unique designs – it's all part of Qi Theme.
If you need to build a photography website quickly, the default samples will do the trick without tweaking them. Use Qi Theme and keep up with the trends.
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With the rise of drones and being as popular as they are, many started focusing on drone photography. If this is what you do, you need our dedicated free template, DronePhotography. It is a Bootstrap Framework tool that ensures great performance across all well-liked devices and web browsers. The layout is trendy, making sure all the content comes on display stunningly.
DronePhotography includes a full-width slider, call-to-actions, floating navbar, carousels and also supports video content. You can additionally build customer trust by incorporating testimonials. Many great options and solutions to take your drone photography project to new heights.
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Photosen is beautiful and dark, creating a pleasant atmosphere that everyone will enjoy. On the home page, you will find a grid that you can use for bringing froth all the different photography styles that you do. Of course, you can use this grid for something else, too – it's up to you. The gallery layout that Photosen sports is also not your traditional one. It is all black and white until you hover over the content with the mouse cursor. You will see what I am talking about.
A few extra highlights of this free photography website template are social icons, a multi-level drop-down menu and a services section with pricing.
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Halen is another tool full of amazingness for photographers both professional and amateur. It is clean and creative, beautifully displaying your material in a neat and organized manner. With Halen, all your visitors will have a pleasant experience browsing through your content.
Above the fold, Halen comes with a full-width slideshow that you can strategically use to spark their interest. Those first few seconds are super important, and that's something that Halen takes care of. Moreover, the overall design of this page skin is minimal and creative, bringing to the table only the necessary, distraction-free.
Moreover, Halen is a Bootstrap Framework template, guaranteeing a fluid layout that adapts to all devices like a dream. Of course, it is in tune with all popular web browsers and retina screens, too.
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If a clean and minimalist approach is your thing, Sun is the free photography website template that will suit your best. With a light, creative and interest sparking web design, Sun will push your work to the next level. It rocks a light and framed scheme with a smooth scroll and a filterable portfolio. Everyone will have a fantastic experience studying your photo work further without anything interrupting them. Sun truly features just the must-haves, avoiding all the unnecessary clutter.
Sun is also super flexible and responsive, adapting to all devices and web browsers hassle-free. It is based on the popular Bootstrap Framework and optimized for performance and search engines. Indeed, Sun follows all the latest trends and regulations that will keep your website fresh for many years to come. What you will also find super rewarding are the different home layouts Sun brings to the table. Pick according and thrive.
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Whether you are an amateur or a professional photographer, even an agency, Strategy is the design that will get your web space sorted out in full. It is a free photography website template with a beautiful section to display your imagery and place it right in front of your visitors. Everyone can now enjoy your work no matter where they are and what device they use. Strategy fluently reshapes to run seamlessly on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.
Additional goodies of Strategy are on scroll content load, hover effects, social media buttons, spectacular about page, blog and contact section. The latter also includes a working contact form and Google Maps. Nothing should be stopping you from making an impressive website once you gain access to Strategy. And it is free of charge!
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With Beckham, you will quickly put yourself on top thanks to its elegant and remarkable dark layout. If this is the type of look you fancy the most, Beckham easily becomes your go-to free photography website template. It is a versatile solution for all your design questions. Besides, Beckham is also customizable and effortless to use. Still, many of you will very likely want to use it as is and not change even the smallest detail. In this situation, just add your content and details and you are ready to roll.
Beckham hits everyone heavy with the simplest welcome that will definitely intrigue everyone who visitors your online space. It has an overlay hamburger menu, on scroll content load, progress bar, smooth transitions, animated statistics and a practical contact page.
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As an enthusiastic photographer, do yourself a favor and bring all your creations to the online world. Share it with the people who are into your niche and increase your potential. Even if you never thought about taking photos for money, who knows, a potential client might get in touch with you solely because of your outstanding website. Create one with Alias, a free photography website template, and make a difference.
Alias offers you to share all about yourself, your services and, of course, the work itself. The home page layout of Alias is stuffed with sections that will cover pretty much all and everything that you do. With the categorized portfolio, you can break down your photographies in different categories for better navigability. You can also expand your page with a blog section and tell more about your projects, process and even share tips and tricks.
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No matter if you run an agency or you are a freelancer, Pixel is an ideal solution to realize your website once and for all. Even if you already own a page but you feel like it is outdated, the time is right to freshen up the design and make it stand out a mile. With Pixel, you can attain fantastic results and bring your works and skills in front of the right audience. It is a free photography website template to create a killer online portfolio that will take you to new heights.
Pixel features a full-width slider with zoom-in effect, parallax scrolling, newsletter subscription form, filterable portfolio and an active contact form. You have the material that you require to finish the visually appealing and mobile-ready photo website that you absolutely must run.
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With this collection of the best free photography website templates, we will submerge you in outstanding web designs that will kick-start your project and help you stand out from the masses. Fotograp is another impressive solution that will realize your ideas with a contemporary, responsive and cross-browser compatible layout. It features a ton of cool effects and other traits that will spice up the experience and emphasize your creativity.
Wedding, lifestyle, sports, food, landscape and portrait photographers, you are all welcome to utilize Fotograp and get your word out there. With a compelling and professional website that you are about to put together with Fotograp, many will want to go straight to the contact page and hire you for their new project. Indeed, a working contact form is also included in the bundle.
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Louie is a free website template ideal for creating online resume or portfolio websites. Of course, it is ideal for photographers but other creative individuals can profit from Louie as well. Louie is a Bootstrap Framework powered tool with a fluid layout that works well on mobile and desktop devices. It is also in tune with retina screens and web browsers, as well as search engines friendly. As a result, you will run a high-performing photography website that will score you new gigs easily.
Sticky sidebar, newsletter subscription widget, split screen slider, Instagram feed, widget-rich footer, beautiful gallery and many other internal sections await every Louie user. To get the gist of it, feel free to visit Louie's live preview page and see the powerful web design it brings to the table.
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Super simple, yet still quite innovative, free photography website template, Photon, provides a solution to differentiate yourself from the competition. It has a white and eye-catchy web design that will encourage everyone to start skimming through your work. Create categories for all types of photography that you do and let the horizontal navigation display it accordingly. They can then jump straight to the section they are interested in or continue investigating all the photo content that you have available.
Photon also has a multi-level drop-down menu, grid gallery, exclusive services page, contact form and social media icons. There is a great chance that you will want to use Photon precisely as is. Yes, it is that pretty! Take things into your hands and finally move your photography project to the levels that were once unattainable.
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Nowadays, you can start your own website pretty quickly. You do not need to hire a pricey coder or a designer anymore. Sure, if you decide to use a template, you do need to have some experience with website establishment, but you can still save yourself a ton of time and effort. As an example, Flash provides the design for your entire web presence; you just need to utilize it and enrich it with your signature touch. Other than that, this free photography website template has it all in store for you.
Flash is also a flexible scheme that you can use for niche or generic photography. As a matter of fact, it is the content that you will stuff it with that will define the final theme of your website. Get your name out there once and for all, even as a hobby photographer, and show the world what you are the master of.
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Creating online portfolios for your personal projects becomes child's play once you take Steve to your advantage. With the complete web design at your fingertips, you can have the desired website up and running quicker than ever. Steve follows all the modern web and tech practices to ensure your photo website stands the test of time. No doubt, your page will look fresh and contemporary for a long time.
You can use Steve as a free photography website template with ease. It has all the core features of a up-to-the-minute website and quite a few additional features that will help you express your expertness. Categorized portfolio, sticky navigation, testimonials slider, different web elements, blog and contact pages, yes, that is all you get with Steve. Make it yours, go against the norm and see the magic happen.
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You will going to be blessed and impressed once you land on the Bitmap live preview page. This free photography website template is a cracking one, full of marvelous features and assets ready for you to put them to use. Bitmap rocks a fully responsive, mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible layout which smoothly adapts to all screens and devices. Indeed, it is retina-ready, too, following all the latest web and tech regulations.
Some of the very many features of Bitmap are parallax effect, filterable portfolio, transparent navigation, newsletter subscription widget and social media icons. What's more, you can also link your Instagram profile to your fresh new website and start writing a blog. Do not hesitate, make your first move right now by downloading Bitmap and get things going. No doubt, you can later enjoy the impressive reward after Bitmap does the magic and starts attracting new potential customers.
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In our collection of the most advanced and cutting-edge free portfolio website templates, you will surely find the ideal one for your photo project. If what you saw so far did not meet your expectations, then there is a good chance Imahe will. It is a modern and sophisticated page canvas with a jaw-dropping web design that will spark everyone's curiosity. Before they know it, they are already spending several minutes, enjoying your spectacular creations and possibly even considering hiring you for their next project.
Imahe is based on the popular and well-liked Bootstrap Framework what guarantees 100% mobile-readiness. On top of that, the tool is also quick and straightforward to work with. Meaning, editing and adjusting the default look of Imahe will be a breeze. That said, make sure your internet appearance follows you branding and makes it stand out from the crowd. With Imahe, you will have zero issues achieving just that.
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While Bato might be more of a tool for building neat and tidy online portfolios for a creative agency and professional individual, we can comfortably call it a free photography website template, too. It is a versatile and highly adaptive web design which works with loads of different projects efficiently. In our case, fill and enrich Bato with your remarkable work and let Bato display in on the web like pros do. No need to stay behind rather always be one step ahead of the competition thanks to Bato.
Straight away, Bato hits you with an innovative and full-screen slider with pagination, text and call-to-action buttons. Navigation appears as an overlay right sidebar with the search option and built-in gallery. In addition, Bato also has killer internal sections, a blog and a contact page with a working form and a newsletter subscription box. With its clean and minimal design, you can shine online using Bato and reach a broader audience.
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For creative minds who are dealing with photography on a professional or amateur level, Cocoon is the template for your web presence. It creates a unique portfolio of your amazing works and displays them in a way to amaze everyone visiting your site. There is no need for you to be doing any hard work to stand out and catch more folks' attention. Cocoon is here to do the job for you with its originality and creativity.
Along with the already impressive front page, Cocoon also has other inner sections for services, blog and about. Not to mention, an addition of a portfolio department is also part of the package. Apply filters to your projects and let visitors find exactly what they are after quickly. Of course, Cocoon allows you to link your page with your social media accounts, too.
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Photographers who are just starting out their career, you might want to kick things off with a free photography website template. Do not miss on the opportunity that a compelling website might bring you. Start by creating a stunning portfolio full of your remarkable pictures and spark everyone's interest. Such fantastic tool that does it in a distinguishing way is Sonar. A template with a clear carousel slider and more goodies further down the layout. There is a great chance of you becoming an instant fan once you see Sonar's live preview page. Dare to check it out?
Along with an assortment of great features and additional pages, Sonar is also mobile and retina ready and compatible with all the modern web browsers.
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You might be a solo photographer or an agency, either way, having a strong online appearance is a must. You can create one swiftly with Studio free photography website template. The way how the full-screen slider works will surely create a strong first impression on every visitor. They will probably first spend a considerable amount of time flipping through the images, enjoying your masterpieces. From then on, they can use the popup contact form, check your social media or further investigate your page.
Features like progress bars and accordions, milestones, loaders, back to top button and categorized portfolio, you get them all and a whole bunch more with Studio. Express yourself on the web in an easily distinguishable way and give everyone a chance to get to know you better.
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First and foremost, no matter which free photography website template you go with from this list, you win big times. They are all responsive, optimized for great performance and simple to use. Especially if you are a beginner, that is exactly what you need to get things going. Po-Portfolio is a minimal and straightforward tool that makes your creations look even more professional than they already are.
The first thing a guest sees when your site loads is a grid of images. He or she can inspect each project straight away or use the left navigation to go to portfolio, blog or read your story. Po-Portfolio is unquestionably the kind of a template you will be hooked on in an instant. The time has come to take things into your own hands and boost your photo project.
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Photography 2
Photography 2 is an update of the free website template for photographers that we will chat about a little later on. The main focus of the template is your images and your incredible content. It all begins with a large framed slider which you can use for your latest projects, photo shoots, whatever you believe needs the extra shine. You can also link each slider to the more in-depth presentation of the work. But more about your work, the process and other news you can use the integrated blog section for.
Mix blogging with photography and witness great things unlocking in front of you. Always be ready and have an open mind. What's more, Photography 2 has a separate portfolio section for other pictures you want to share with the folks online.
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If Photography 2 was a template you dig a whole bunch, Foto will knock your socks off. We could almost say that Foto is Photography 2 on steroids. They are quite similar regarding the design yet still so different. The former one keeps things as simple as possible while the latter enriches web design with loads of extras and special effects. If that is something you are after, skip Photography 2 and go straight to Foto.
For a free photography website template, Foto is very original and out of the ordinary. Big slideshow with smooth transitions, two types of portfolios and additional default page and social media icons, Foto is a serious deal. Rock the online world with a fabulous and mindblowing page and push your images and creations further.
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When you look for a way to advertise your imagery online, the tool you use for the website needs to have a strong emphasis on your content. That is something Photography thoroughly thought about and provides a home for your grand work. Although "only" a one-page website template, Photography still has all the elements for you to tell your story in a striking way. Grab their attention with the full screen slider and have them hooked with your persuasive photography story.
When the potential clients are ready to get in touch with you, Photography has a functional contact form included in the design. You can also use the Donate Now button and start writing your very own online journal. There is a whole bunch you can do with Photography and take your little project to new heights.
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If you run photography as a side or your main business, Yaseen presents all the necessary for your web presence. It has a clean, vibrant and easy on the eye web design with a framed layout. Moreover, the site skin is noncomplex to use rather easy to modify and edit with your content. Alter it to your needs exactly how you want it and see the success for yourself you always wanted.
Yaseen is responsive, cross-browser compatible, includes a newsletter subscription, social media buttons and animated statistics. For a quick launch of your photo-first website, Yaseen is a great template to make it happen. Turn it into a functional page swiftly and see how far it can take you.
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Droppler is a website canvas which you can turn into a superb photography website. It is a fantastic foundation for almost any creative individual out there who is ready to craft himself or herself a page. Use it for blogging or use it for photography but best, use it for both. Along with the very particular first page, Droppler also has other sections for about, gallery and contact. The contact page already has included Google Maps and form so doing things on your own is not necessary.
If blogging and photography are your passion, realize your online project with Droppler. It is going to be a fun journey adjusting the template and improving it with your information and content. Use Droppler to its full potential and construct the jaw-dropping page you strive toward.
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Pemodule is another fantastic device that brings your idea to realization with a cracking website. By now, you know already that you do not have to waste your time crafting a page from the ground up. Save all this precious time and invest it in building your photography business. As for the website, let free photography website templates do the work for you. These tools cost you nothing but the outcome is a professional, pliable and neat page, enhanced with your gorgeous photos.
Newsletter subscription, functional contact form, parallax and hover effects and gallery, Pemodule has all the needed and then some. In addition, the template also has a range of elements which you can use or avoid adding to your page.
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For individuals and agencies, Glint is the free photography website template you will love dearly. It is original, modern, flexible and easily adapts to your needs and requirements. Make it follow your idea and branding to the T and increase your reach and grow to the new professional levels.
Glint is a free HTML website template compatible with smartphones, tablets, retina screens and modern browsers. It instantly adapts to any device for a butter smooth experience. Visitors and returning clients will fancy coming back to your website not solely for the business purposes but to examine your remarkable work again and again. Glint is stacked with greatness and amazingness. It does not feel at all free. More like it would be a premium template which you won as a prize.
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Are you a food photographer or a blogger? You might even be a passionate chef who enjoys taking images of your dishes each time you come up with a new recipe. For now, you might only be doing it to make your Instagram followers' mouth to water. However, your following base is growing and you decided to expand your repertoire and launch a website. Yummy is a free website template that specialized in food, cooking and lifestyle. Oh boy, will it be a delicious treat once you set it up and make it go live.
From carousel slider and on scroll content load to widgets packed sidebar, full-width Instagram feed and an option to add a pattern as a background, Yummy is no joke.
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Go Crepe
We at Colorlib are working hard at releasing new free website templates, covering as many niches as possible, regularly. Photography happens to be an industry which has a high demand for such tools and, luckily, we have many available. Here is Go Crepe. Outstanding web design, clean code, quick to customize and simple to manage, the canvas gives you fantastic opportunity to shine online.
While Go Crepe applies to photography agencies and other photo needs, you can also use it for a variety of different projects. Flexible and extensible to suit as many tastes as possible. Enjoy the great and vivid choice of colors, interactive slider, newsletter subscription box and other whatnots. The sooner you start, the quicker you will see the effect Go Crepe has on your business.
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Which One Suits You?
These are the best HTML free photography website templates that you can get your hands on. Like, immediately. Some of the templates give you loads of features like a premium template, while some of them give you only the features you can expect in a free website template.
This list comprises all types of website template, select the best one you need. Let us know which template you like and also your favorite photography website template that is not on the list in the comment section below.